Fiche 06: Strengthening TVET Systems AND Increasing TVET Enrolment In Line With Labour Market Needs

A list of Proposed and Guiding Projects According to Fiche 06:

Project 1: Developing the Institutional Framework for the Quality Assurance Commission for Vocational Training

Project 2: Establishment of Telecommunication and Information Technology College Building

Project 3: Development of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF)

Project 4: Establishment of Sectoral Skills Councils (SSC)

Project 5: Palestinian Coding Academy for Youth

Project 6: Establishing a Vocational Training Center in Bethlehem Governorate

Project 7: Establishing a Vocational Training Center in Hebron Governorate

Project 8: Establishing a Vocational Training Center in Nablus Governorate

Project 9: Establishing a Vocational Training Center in Ramallah Governorate